COUGS, THE - Self-Titled (7" EP)
The Cougs' bass master PJ Superfamicom once sang: "A hero lies in you. And he's really weird, man. But I don't mind a bit." He's probably right if you think he's crooning to you, but when I listen I imagine it to be self-reference. This is how I see The Cougs. An unlikely 3 pack of screwballs doing their own thing in St. Augustine that could and should appeal to the intelligent yet casual diy rock'n'rollers. They keep it deceptively simple, but especially in their latest effort-this here described (7"), the licks and the song structure and the words and the melodies are most scrutinized by head Coug Andrew Virga. I remember a recount of their last practice as they were about to head on a tour which would lead them to record with Mike Pack. Virga spoke with excitement about the progression of songwriting and execution the band had reached. That's it for me. I love a lot of bands; I love them even more when I see they are always looking to move forward. Thank someone that they moved in a great direction since I signed on for this before I heard the songs-4 lengthier songs packed onto a (7") with less initial impact but the swelling anticipation and release created in each song is a fine trade for that.