LAWSUIT MODELS - Off the Pavement (LP)
Now that the Ataris have been replaced by PlayStations and The Get Up Kids have kids of their own, what exactly is the future of pop punk? Is there one? Lawsuit Models don't know the answer to that question, and they don't pretend to know. All this Denver-based four-piece knows is they love it enough to play it unabashedly, unironically, and unceasingly.
The band's core songwriting team of The Ryans (Ryan Turch and Ryan Heller) each seem to focus on opposite sides of the pop punk coin like a Venn diagram that barely touches, but in all the right places. Turch's songs highlight the catchier
aspects of personal turmoil and introspection, while Heller's stem from the reckless, youthful abandon that initially draws people to this style of music. Teamed with the relentless rhythm section of drummer Tyler Merkel and bassist Cameron Hawk, Lawsuit Models become a battering ram of a live band.
Within the first 15 seconds of the bands debut full-length, Off The Pavement - lean and mean at 9 tracks and 28 minutes - Lawsuit Models’ case is stated. Some sense a stubbornness to hold onto the past: the simpler times, the louder times, the
rowdier times. But in the end, their desire to rock is just too infectious to ignore.