DIRTY FEW - Volcom Sessions (7" EP)
Warm beers. Out-of-tune guitars. Cancelled shows. Broken mopeds. While lesser bands may have crumbled under the weight of such colossal rock & roll bummers, Dirty Few has not only weathered the storm, but emerged victorious, leading an entire army of Denver dive-bar diehards into a rad utopia where the babes are hot, the PBR flows like wine and a little barf is nothing more than a sure sign you’re having a good night.
Born in Nashville and raised in the same Louisiana swamp-country that brought us Red Lobster Cajun-fried shrimp, Bobby Boucher and 8-time National Monster Truck Meltdown champion Bone Crenshaw, twin brothers Seth and Spencer Stone moved to Denver in early 2010, bringing with them only the mopeds they rode in on and the few Twisted Teas they could carry. The boys soon hooked up with veteran bassist Justin Forrest and tambourine-slinging Cambodian sexpot Kim Phat, and in a torrential thunderstorm of exploding PBRs and RealTree-clad eagles, Dirty Few was born.
Since their 2012 debut release “Get Loose, Have Fun”, the garage-rock-&-roll outfit has played with pretty much every awesome band in the world, from Andrew W.K., Ty Segall, FIDLAR and Natural Child to Wavves, The Men, Broncho and blah, blah, blah. But in no way has the band had their fill of party. When their “Party or Don’t” LP hit back in February 2015 on Black in Bluhm Music, Dirty Few was more ready than ever to show up at your house party, beer-bong your mom, puke on your floor, and somehow leave you singing one of their ultra-catchy party anthems as you happily clean up the mess. Shortly after that LP, the gang hooked up with the Denver tastemaking imprint Snappy Little Numbers to issue the “Set ‘Em Free” Split 7” with swamp pals Rootbeer & Mermentau.
Well now it’s 2018. Dirty Few has taken their show (antics?!) on the road several times over and they finally stopped somewhere just long enough to record the “Volcom Sessions” 7” EP. Where’d they stop? Uh, Volcom Studios in sunny California. We thought the title kinda gave it gave it away, but it never hurts to be sure. Issued by the aforementioned SLN, the four tracks that the session yielded show a band that has not only sharpened their party-rocking edge, but sees them capitalizing on their pure pop potential. Every song has harmonies that would make even Brian Wilson sit up in his grave and take notice. Oh, he’s still alive? Cool! So are Dirty Few!
Brian Beer, Avid Baseball Fan