GETTING THE BRUSH - Craig Ibarra (Zine)
Herein is a sequence of ink drawings I did in early 1999 that were inspired by contemporary artist, Raymond Pettibon’s panel comics and brush work. In February of ’99, my band No Comprende got back together after a nine year hiatus to do a string of reunion shows. We had gotten a few offers so I started brainstorming some flyer ideas. I decided I was gonna try something new and do the flyer art using a fine brush and Black India ink. I was determined to knock these out as quick as possible — after coming up with the initial idea. This technique made drawing fun again and inspired me to wanna do more. I got in a groove and knocked out a few non-flyer panels too. Four of eight No Comprende flyers (February-April) are included within. Big thanks to the master, Raymond Pettibon for the inspiration. I had planned on publishing this art zine in late ’99, but I didn’t have the funds at the time so I filed it away. After digging out the original ink drawings in February 2021, I decided to scan and publish them after all — 22 years later.
– Craig Ibarra, 03/08/21