PRETTY FLOWERS - Why Trains Crash (LP)
On their debut LP, Why Trains Crash, The Pretty Flowers continue in the tradition of bands like Superchunk who blurred the lines between punk and indie rock. While the band is too “indie” for studded belt crowd and a bit too gritty for the average indie rocker, they’ll be a welcome respite for those who have little use for the boxes genres can create.
A crunch ‘n punch snarl of guitar-frothed heaven as barbed and biting as it is moody and melancholic, Why Trains Crash bursts out of the gate with lead single “Cream of Canvas,” a song that sneers, smirks, and sighs its way through the entirety of The Pretty Flowers’ sonic palette. Featuring four minutes of razor-wire guitars winding through rollercoaster rhythms while candied harmonies rub shoulders and bump hips with lyricism by turns wistful and sardonic, “Cream of Canvas” is The Pretty Flowerscondensed to their floor-stomping essence.
A union of current and former members of The Henry Clay People, The Breakups, Jungle Jungle, and Shirley Rolls, THE PRETTY FLOWERS are a Rubik’s Cube of L.A. indie staples: Noah Green (guitar/ vocals), Sam Tiger (bass), Jake Gideon (guitar/ producer),a dn Sean Johnson (drums). Dubbed “a true treasure of Los Angeles” by Razorcake, the Pretty Flowers are now set to follow their 7” EP, My Alchemist, and 7” single, “Inconsiderate Dreams,” with the release of the 12-song Why Trains Crash on June 22, 2018