FLOODWALKER come in with a punishing debut of anger, despise and alienation filled sludgecore. Noisy with almost an industrial feel, their two tracks clock in at a combined 11 minutes. Violent and up-tempo slow. Members did some time in 90’s crust bands and it shows. A nice mix of hardcore, crust, metal and sludge. SENIOR FELLOWS, who have previously had three LP’s and a split 7”, come back with three new tracks of hypnotic, gruff sludge from the bowels of the dustbowl. SF can drop an almost drone psychedelia riff on top of a disgusting dirge part and come out like a bad acid trip. They close it out with a noisy ambient synth instrumental to pull you back in from the nightmare. Cover art by Unexpected Specter.
For fans of: Neurosis, Brutal Truth, The Atlas Moth, High on Fire.
01. FLOODWALKER "Lifeless"
02. FLOODWALKER "Descend"
03. SENIOR FELLOWS "Sadistic Encounters Within The Self"
04. SENIOR FELLOWS "Violence Be Praised: Classic and Contemporary Views of Religious Barbarism"
05. SENIOR FELLOWS "Submit or Starve"
Product Highlights
• Black Vinyl
• Includes Download
• Includes Insert
• Hand Numbered Jackets