WEIRD NUMBERS - Minotaur Dreams (7")
WEIRD NUMBERS is the new Seattle-based project from Zache Davis of MANIAC and THE GIRLS, Colin Griffiths of THE GIRLS and TOURIST, and Ethan Jacobsen of TOURIST and WASTED USA. Circa 2001, the 3 friends lived in a decrepit row of U-District party houses dubbed, "Brooklynhaus," "The Doll House," and "The Manor." In 2017, they decided to form WEIRD NUMBERS while working on some original tunes in Ethan's Green Lake basement he dubbed "The Crystal Jacuzzi." The band's first show was opening for FULL TOILET, a project from the ever-prolific Seattle legend Kurt Bloch of THE FASTBACKS. Their songs blend angular post punk with a pop sensibility. WEIRD NUMBERS' sound conjures memories of early aughts sweat and beer-drenched Seattle basement shows, a time passed, but not forgotten. - Justin Maurer
01. Dolphin Encounters
02. Minotaur Dreams
03. Obsolete Man
04. Switching the Code
05. Uzis and Bikinis
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